Our toolbox is more than just a box of tools...
Two Thirds Sky's tools, techniques and thinking have been shaped by 35 years experience in the art, craft and science of people, brands and business.
We’ve learned first-hand what makes a business grow, and where growth invariably and consistently falters. We’ve harnessed those learnings to shine a completely new light on each of the traditional disciplines that fuel business growth - from research and insights, business strategy, brand strategy, through to marketing and the innovation of products, services and experience architecture.
But the strategic value of our toolbox is not just the tools - it's how you USE them in combination to build business alignment and momentum. That's what we call LINE-OF-SIGHT THINKING®.
LINE-OF-SIGHT THINKING® has been developed by Two Thirds Sky as a strategic system that is optimised by firing the RIGHT TOOLS in the RIGHT SEQUENCE. The power and magic of the LINE-OF-SIGHT THINKING® ecosystem lies in how each discipline is aligned, applied and activated.
LINE-OF-SIGHT THINKING® ensures that the business systematically builds its 'business instinct' as it moves forward. And that journey depends on where the business is in its lifecycle - and whether it's a global enterprise, a challenger brand, a local business or a start-up.